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Jane W. Barton,  MTS, MASM, CSA, is hosting a three-part series called Age by Design beginning in January at the Park Hill Branch of the Denver Public Library. Jane provides this overview:
“How do you choose to age? By default or by design? Because we live in an age-defying society, most of us are not inclined to anticipate the future challenges and opportunities encountered as we age. Life happens. We react. A common scenario resulting in a less than desirable journey. So how can you increase the odds that you will experience an extraordinary life–a life that you love? Don’t let life happen to you. Instead, age by design–your design!”
The workshops are free, and registration is NOT required. All programs are 4-5 p.m. on the dates noted. For details on the dates and topics of each workshop, click on the flier. To learn more about Jane, see
Age by Design, Jane Barton via Seven Stones